Our Inspiring Volunteers

Aly’s journey as a volunteer with Vintage Vibes began after hearing stories from one of her friends who was already involved. So, Aly got in touch to become a friendship volunteer.
In August last year, Aly was matched with her VIP and despite a 55-year age gap, the two forged a beautiful friendship. They share a love for the festive season, and their Christmas music concert experience with the RSNO was a highlight of their time together last year. They made a real day of it, going for lunch and milkshakes after the concert.
Week-to-week, the pair enjoy going for coffee, where they spend hours chatting and connecting. Aly’s compassion and empathy have brought joy to her VIP’s life. In her own words, Aly makes her life worth living.
We are so proud of Aly’s compassionate and caring nature that has helped her to develop such a strong connection. She is an inspiration to everyone at Vintage Vibes! Thank you Aly!

When she saw a plea for volunteers from Vintage Vibes, Kirsty knew she had to get involved. She has now spent the last year offering friendship to her VIP, who is living with dementia.
Kirsty has done an amazing job of bonding with her VIP, and has introduced him to her little boy, and her dog Comet. Her VIP used to love walking his dog, and now he gets to enjoy the experience again. Kirsty’s attentiveness and empathy allow her to assess VIP’s needs, ensuring that every visit is tailored to his needs. Over time, Kirsty’s efforts have paid off, now he has become much more engaged and relaxed than when we first joined our community.
When we asked her what she loves about volunteering, Kirsty said: ‘Being a mum can be challenging and sometimes lonely, so me and my VIP both benefit from our weekly walks together.’ We love it when both our VIPs and volunteers get something valuable from their visits together, and we are so grateful to have such a caring and supportive volunteer at Vintage Vibes.

Constanza has been volunteering with us for a whopping five years, and we would love to share with you the incredible impact she has made for Vintage Vibes. Constanza’s journey started with a lovely VIP, and her dog Diego. Her VIP was living with dementia, and couldn’t leave home. The pair would spend their time playing scrabble and drinking tea together.
When this match came to an end, Constanza became involved with our Sewing Bee, teaching VIPs how to improve their sewing skills and inspiring them to stay positive during the pandemic when the group was on hold. It was during this time that she met her current VIP.
Her new VIP was missing his film group, which was also on hold due to the pandemic. Constanza stepped up and called him every week, providing him with a much-needed source of support. Today, the film group is back, and Constanza sometimes attends with her VIP, but their regular catch-ups remain a part of their routine. he has told us that Constanza has made a big difference to his mental health and wellbeing.
Not only has Constanza made a big difference to her VIP’s mental health, and wellbeing, she has even encouraged her employer, Ooni, to get involved! They held a pizza party to celebrate Vintage Vibes’ 7th birthday, and also generously donated money to support the advent calendars that VIPs receive at Christmas time.
We are so overwhelmed by how much Constanza has done for Vintage Vibes, and we are proud to have such an amazing ambassador for the project.
If you feel inspired by our volunteer’s amazing stories, and would like to get involved yourself, email us at [email protected], or visit: Volunteer in Edinburgh with Vintage Vibes – Vintage Vibes