Cara Targett-Ness
Friendships Coordinator
After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, Cara knew she wanted to work within the charity sector and started gaining valuable volunteer and job experience working in the community, particularly with people with varying physical and learning disabilities.
Cara came across Vintage Vibes and jumped at the chance to start working as one of our Friendships Coordinators.
“I love the idea of Vintage Vibes and it is clear from the outset how important and worthwhile such a project is. I feel the focus is often solely on the provision of support services such as supported accommodation and at-home help when it comes to older people. But people underestimate how damaging loneliness and isolation can be – and how big a difference something as small as having someone to chat to for an hour a week can make. I think Vintage Vibes is doing such valuable work, and I love being a small part of it!”