We’re looking to create a group of FAB volunteers and supporters to do the The KiltWalk Big Stroll!
Our response to the Scottish Government’s ‘A Connected Scotland’ consultation about Social Isolation and Loneliness.
We’re looking for amazing volunteers to assist with the running of a fortnightly film group!
Join us for a fantastic night of music and fundraising with the Got Soul Annual Review at Queen’s Hall!
Do you love chatting, eating and sharing in company? Volunteer at our weekly lunch group!
Do you love fashion from the 50’s? Would you like to organise an event?
Our tips on how to help VIPs during #BeastfromtheEast snow days
Friendship and laughter are two of the rare and beautiful things in life! Join us for a brand new fortnightly group for over 60s.
Stroll Patrol is a weekly friendly, fun, local, accessible walking group for over 60’s.
Come and join Edinburgh’s newest singing group, meet new
friends and rediscover beautiful music through the decades.